Saturday, 27 September 2014

The All breed Nanango kennel show

Has a great fun today to take some photo at the Nanango All breed Kennel show. Lovely weather and lots of lovely looking dogs all around. It was around 400 + entries and 3 judges from overseas (Shhart Sharna the judge from India Yoshio Mori the judge from Japan & Chin_Fa Tsai from Taiwan)                                                                       
 Shhart Sharna the judge from India judging one of the lovely Welsh Corgi

 Shhart Sharna the judge from India judging one of the lovely Welsh Corgi

 Yoshio Mori the judge from Japan judging the Welsh Corgi
 Yoshio Mori the judge from Japan judging the American Cocker Spaniel
 Chin-Fa Tsai the judge fro Taiwan judging the Golden Retrievers entries
 Shhart Sharma the judge from India judging the Siberian Husky
 Chin-Fa Tsai the judge fro Taiwan judging the Cocker Spaniel
 Chin-Fa Tsai the judge fro Taiwan judging the Golden Retrievers entries
 Chin-Fa Tsai the judge fro Taiwan judging the Golden Retrievers entries
Shhart Sharna the judge from India

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